Understanding the Cyber Threat Landscape

Format: On-Demand
Duration: 1 Hour 1 Minutes

About This Webinar

We already know that today’s cyber attacks can come from a variety of sources—criminal, state and state-sponsored, terrorist, hacktivist. The objectives range from the theft of money, IP, misappropriation of confidential information, disruption of operations,  data destruction and extortion.

In an environment of limited resources, however, many practitioners understandably express particular frustration with how to “know” and prioritize (triage) the actual threats to their organizations–no less the actors that may wish them harm. The lack of visibility into the true threat environment not only wastes valuable efforts and resources, but results in preserving recurring opportunities for hackers.

This panel focuses on offering pragmatic steps that allow enterprises to map their exposures within the cyber threat landscape–as well as prioritize the efforts to contain and mitigate these risks.

This course is brought to you by the Global Cyber Institute and Thomson Reuters and it is nationally accredited (get CLE in all 50 states).

Topics that will be discussed:

  1. The current landscape of cybersecurity exposure for companies and the various threat types
  2. Pragmatic steps that allow enterprises to map their exposures
  3. How to best prioritize the efforts to contain and mitigate these risks

Who should attend?

  • Lawyers
  • Insurance executives
  • In-house counsel
  • Business executives
  • Privacy attorneys


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