Current and Future Cyber Risk

Format: On-Demand
Duration: 1 Hour 3 Minutes

About This Webinar

Cybersecurity is in the news every day. Law firms, Target, eBay, Google, Westinghouse, and Yahoo! have all have been hit with a data breach and incurred serious losses. The reality is that law firms are prime targets for data breaches and this seminar examines if they will suffer the same fate if hacked.  The panelists will offer practical cyber-threat information, guidance, and strategies for lawyers, law firm attorneys, in-house counsel, government attorneys, and public interest attorneys to apply to protect their own practice. Panelists will also suggest strategies law firms can utilize to manage and mitigate the cyber risks that range from simple to complex tools and technologies. 

This course is brought to you by the Global Cyber Institute and Thomson Reuters and it is nationally accredited (get CLE in all 50 states).

Topics that will be discussed:

  1. Practical cyber-threat information
  2. Strategies for lawyers
  3. Approaches law firms can utilize to manage and mitigate the cyber risks

Who should attend?

  • Lawyers
  • Insurance executives
  • In-house counsel
  • Business executives
  • Privacy attorneys


Attending the webinar

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