Format: On Demand
Duration: 1 Hour 1 Minutes

About This Webinar

This CLE provides a summary of cases providing guidance for the use of machine learning in eDiscovery. Some within the legal industry refer to this as Technology Assisted Review, TAR or Predictive Coding. Artificial intelligence tools are relied upon in the eDiscovery process, primarily for early case assessment to provide quick insights. AI is so crucial because it is practically impossible to review all the data manually, since investigations regularly involve enormous quantities of data. Consider all the information that is sent out and received from your personal devices – emails, text messages, documents, and much more.

This course is brought to you by the Global Cyber Institute and Thomson Reuters and is nationally accredited.

Topics that will be discussed:

  1. Technology Assisted Review
  2. ESI Discovery Protocols
  3. Case Guidance on TAR Discovery

Who should attend?

  • Lawyers
  • Insurance executives
  • In-house counsel
  • Business executives
  • Privacy attorneys


  • Daniel Garrie, Law & Forensics
  • David R. Cohen, Reed Smith LLP
  • Philip Favro, Driven Inc.

Attending the webinar

If you would like to attend the program, please click the link and add the program to your “Cart.” Please note you may need to click the link twice to reach the webinar’s page.

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